“Computational Particle Accelerator Physics – Multidisciplinary Science for next generation Accelerators”
With the aim to discover physics beyond the standard model, the IsoDAR experiment is an excellent example to describe the sort of multidisciplinary science which is necessary for this definitive search of 1 or 2 sterile neutrinos at the 5σ level.
In the proposed IsoDAR experiment a 600 kW (CW) beam of protons will impinge on a Lithium target to generate copious Li-8. The Li-8 then decays at rest to yield a powerful source of anti-neutrinos that can be located ≈ 20 m from a hydrogenous detector.
I will use this challenging example to demonstrate how the combination of physics modeling, advanced numerical techniques and the efficient use of high performance computing are of utmost importance for projects like IsoDAR.
In more detail I will explain how non-linear dynamics and forefront computer science techniques will lead to modeling capabilities, with the aim to precisely predict tails of particle distributions at the 4 to 5σ level. This is a central accelerator physics challenge in the design and operation of all accelerators for intensity frontier physics. Results of model calculations are compared with data from the PSI 1.4 MW (CW) proton facility.
I will close with challenges for the field and highlight many opportunities for generations of accelerator scientists.
Time: 4:00 pm
Place: Room 10-250
Refreshments @ 3:30 pm in 4-349 (The Pappalardo Community Room)