IAP: Tour Of The Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO) Lab (speaker: Adam Libson, MKI)

Tuesday January 6, 2015 2:45 pm

Visitors will be taken on a tour of the LIGO prototyping facilities at MIT. These include a full-scale prototype of the LIGO vacuum chambers, laser, isolation and suspension systems, and laboratories for thermal and optical noise measurements.

***Please Note***
Max 10 people, advance sign-up required starting at 1:55 pm in 37-252
Prerequisite: Attendance of talk by Dr. Lipson preceding the tour

The LIGO tour will leave from 37-252 at 2:30pm.  Estimated length of tour 2:45-4:00pm.

A complete listing of MKI’s IAP offerings for 2015, is available here.

Any questions, please contact Adam Libson, Zach Berta-Thompson, or Debbie Meinbresse.