In the very near future, ground-based detectors and pulsar timing arrays will begin to make regular detections of gravitational waves. Among the most interesting science we will be able to accomplish with these detections is in the area of testing General Relativity. In this talk, I give a brief overview of tests of GR that have been performed to date, and then spend the bulk of the time discussing the new tests we will be able to perform using gravitational waves. In particular, I focus on template-based searches for deviations from GR, using a model-independent tool called the parameterized post-Einsteinian framework.
We hope to see you all there!
The schedule of past and up-coming GRITTS seminars is posted on http://space.mit.edu/gritts/.
Follow us on Twitter @GRITTS_MIT.
Instruction for how to get to building NW22: Please use the front entrance of NW22. As you come in, the door on the right leading to LIGO lab will be unlocked on the days when GRITTS seminar is scheduled in LIGO lab. Please use the stairs to get to the second floor. As you enter interaction area, the conference room 268 will be on your right.
GRITTS organizers:
Salvatore Vitale, Victoria Grinberg, Slawomir Gras
Scott Hughes, Nergis Mavalvala