Second Annual New England Workshop On Theoretical Cosmology And Gravity At MIT

Friday October 13, 2017 2:30 pm
(see workshop program for locations)

The second annual New England Workshop on Theoretical Cosmology and Gravity will be held on 13-14 October at MIT. The program is available here:

The workshop will open with a special session in honor of Alan Guth, who recently celebrated a milestone birthday. That session will feature talks by several of Alan’s former advisees and close collaborators.

This year’s meeting will also feature a public lecture by Sean Carroll (Caltech) on “The Origin of the Universe and the Arrow of Time”; a keynote address by Leonardo Senatore (Stanford) on “Effective Field Theory (and a bit of Differential Geometry) in Cosmology”; and several talks on aspects of early-universe cosmology, astroparticle physics, dark matter, large-scale structure, black holes, and more.

Registration for the workshop is free, though participants are asked to register at the workshop website.