Summer MKI Undergraduate Research Forum (SMURF) (8/23/19)

Friday August 23, 2019 1:00 pm

Summer MKI Undergraduate Research Forum (SMURF)

Please come out and support MKI’s undergraduate researchers!

When: August 23rd, 1-4 PM (This Friday!)

Where: Marlar Lounge, Building 37-252

Session 1 (1-2:20 PM; 15 mins per talk)

Welcome and Introduction​ — Dheeraj Pasham

Constructing Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral Waveforms from Harmonics. Part 1
Talya Klinger​ (Supervisor: Scott Hughes)

Constructing Extreme Mass Ratio Inspiral Waveforms from Harmonics. Part 2
Alexandra Hanselman​ (Supervisor: Scott Hughes)

Scaling Relations and Observable Covariance of Simulated Clusters
Jakob Jorgensen​ (Supervisors: D​avid Barnes and Mark Vogelsberger)

The origin of the Milky Way galaxy in illustris
Yuan Wang ​(Supervisors: Hui Li and Mark Vogelsberger)

How to define a relaxed cluster?
Kaili Cao​ (Supervisor: David Barnes and Mark Vogelsberger)

———————————- Break ————————————-

Session 2 (2:35 – 3:50; 15 mins per talk)

Time Series Clustering and Association Rule Mining on NICER Satellite’s Housekeeping Data
Chanita Tubthong​ (Supervisor: D​heeraj Pasham)

Resonant-line radiative transfer within power-law density profiles
Bingxin Lao​ (Supervisor: Aaron Smith)

Studying the chemical makeup of stars in Sculptor: Dwarf Galaxies as potential pieces of the Milky Way puzzle
Kylie Hansen​ (Supervisor: Anna Frebel)

Finding lensed quasars among random quartets
Sergio Cuadra​ (Supervisor: Paul Schechter)

Modeling Galaxy Cluster Potentials using Witt’s Hyperbola
Collin Warner​ (Supervisor: Paul Schechter)

Event Contact

Debbie Meinbresse