TODAY @ 4pm! Physics Colloquium (speaker: Max Tegmark, MIT)

Tuesday April 1, 2014 4:00 pm

I survey how we humans have repeatedly underestimated not only the size of our cosmos, but also the power of our humans minds to understand it using mathematical equations. My examples include the recent discovery of B-modes in the cosmic microwave background, providing smoking-gun evidence for quantum gravity, Hawking radiation, and cosmological inflation. I also highlight mysteries such as the nature of dark matter, dark energy and our early universe, and how creating the largest-ever 3D maps of our universe can shed new light on them.

Time: 4:00 pm
Place: Room 10-250

Refreshments @ 3:30 pm in 4-349 (The Pappalardo Community Room)

“Our Mathematical Universe: From Inflationary B-modes to Precision 3D Mapping of our Cosmos”

I survey how we humans have repeatedly underestimated not only the size of our cosmos, but also the power of our humans minds to understand it using mathematical equations. My examples include the recent discovery of B-modes in the cosmic microwave background, providing smoking-gun evidence for quantum gravity, Hawking radiation, and cosmological inflation. I also highlight mysteries such as the nature of dark matter, dark energy and our early universe, and how creating the largest-ever 3D maps of our universe can shed new light on them.

Time: 4:00 pm

NOTE — location changed to MIT 34-101

Refreshments @ 3:30 pm in 4-349 (The Pappalardo Community Room)

Talk hosted by: Peter Fisher


***please note that special day for this talk — Tuesday instead of Thursday***