Milky Way Dwarf Satellite Galaxies
Mei-Yu Wang, Texas A&M
Using detailed observations of the Local Group to study wide-ranging questions in galaxy formation and dark matter physics – has become a rich field over the past decade. In this talk, I will present frameworks that address some of these questions by combining high-precision stellar kinematic measurements with state-of-art cosmological N-body simulations. I will demonstrate that the properties of dark matter subhalo of individual satellite galaxies implied by stellar kinematic data can be linked to the galaxy evolution mechanisms such as infall time and the gravitational tidal interaction with Milky Way potential. In the cold dark matter (CDM) scenario, some dwarf galaxies explicitly require to be shaped under significant gravitational tidal forces, which will leave imprints on their stellar distribution and kinematics. I will discuss how these features could serve as a test to the nature of dark matter or stellar feedback strength. I will also discuss how we can study the tidally “disturbed” or even “destroyed” satellite galaxies as building blocks to our Milky Way stellar halo by understanding the properties of their progenitors and observation limit imposed by current and future surveys.
Probing Compact Dark Matter
Julian B. Munoz, Johns Hopkins University)
It has been recently argued that if part of the dark matter are compact objects, such as primordial black holes, they would form binaries and emit gravitational waves like the ones observed by LIGO. I will discuss how FRBs (fast radio bursts) can be used to determine the amount of dark matter in compact objects, providing an alternative constraint to their abundance.