MKI does not support poster size printing. During poster preparation seasons we will enable everyone to check posters on our large-screen monitors/TVs in the Marlar Lounge. They should be printed at MIT’s CopyTech <>, or the cloth poster printer of your choice. Be sure to speak with your advisor about where printing costs might be charged, as CopyTech can charge directly to MIT account numbers.

There are multiple cloth-printed poster on the 6th floor so you can sample what the various options are like.

Poster Tips from the MIT MRL

  • Leave at least 1/2″ margin on all sides in PowerPoint before saving to a PDF. Otherwise, edges may not print properly.
  • Submit your work as a PDF document to avoid any accidental changes to your work and to assure scalability.
  • Save all equations using Greek characters and/or other symbols as a vector graphic, not as a special character – non-standard fonts may not carry over properly. To save as a vector graphic, save as EPS.
  • When in doubt, always use vector graphics for rendered artwork such as diagrams, charts, or illustrations, when possible to ensure optimal image quality.
  • Dark backgrounds often work best (though not always).
  • Allow enough white space between modules and graphics in oder to create more “breathing space” in your work.
  • Pay close attention to what you want your audience to see. Design your poster with this in mind.
  • Poster must include proper logos, and proper statement of support, filling in the blank with your appropriate program name:
    • This work was supported by the MRL Summer Internship Program, as part of the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation under grant number DMR-14-19807.
    • This work was supported by the MRL Community College Internship Program, as part of the MRSEC Program of the National Science Foundation under grant number DMR-14-19807.
    • Check with your supervisor or MRSEC HQ for the correct statement for your research.